A powerful and delightful PHP WebShell
This is a lightweight PHP webshell, using only vanilla JavaScript and CSS, no jQuery/Bootstrap bloat.
A webshell is a shell that you can access through the web. This is useful for when you have firewalls that filter outgoing traffic on ports other than port 80. As long as you have a webserver, and want it to function, you can’t filter our traffic on port 80 (and 443). It is also a bit more stealthy than a reverse shell on other ports since the traffic is hidden in the http traffic.
This WebShell lets the user run powershell scripts, upload files, download files, browse in the directories, run executables, etc…
This Web Shell was based from the rome-webshell code. I fixed bugs occuring on Windows 10 and added some functionalities I needed.
1) run powershell scripts
2) upload files
3) download files
4) browse in the directories
5) run executables
Here’s some details on the Main Panel Interface
Here’s a screen shot of a script executing…
Obfuscation of the Code
cd .\scripts\
. .\run_obfuscate.ps1
[OBFUSCATION] Operation Completed. "... obfuscated\coded.php"
Get the code
Php.WebShell.CtrlPanel on GitHub
Important Note Do You have Issues accessing the core repository? Don’t be shy and send me an EMAIL at guillaumeplante.qc@gmail.com and I will fix access for you