Download torrent files context menu option

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Category : powershell   scripts   network


The qbittorrentvpn-torrent-association project provides a convenient way to automate the process of adding torrent files to the qBittorrentVPN download list. This project includes two PowerShell scripts: Install.ps1 and Invoke-DownloadTorrentFile.ps1.

The Install.ps1 script sets up your environment by copying the necessary script to a system directory, adding an association for .torrent files to add them to qBittorrentVPN directly, and integrating a context menu for easy usage. The Invoke-DownloadTorrentFile.ps1 script is used to programmatically add a torrent to the download list.

Purpose of the Project

This project aims to streamline the process of adding torrents to a qBittorrentVPN server by:

  • Allowing users to add torrent files by right-clicking them directly in Windows Explorer.
  • Automating the process through a command-line tool, providing better flexibility and automation capabilities.
  • Simplifying the integration with qBittorrentVPN through PowerShell scripting.

Scripts Description

1. Install.ps1

The Install.ps1 script performs the following actions:

  • Copies Invoke-DownloadTorrentFile.ps1 to a system scripts directory: The script is copied to the directory specified in the SYSTEM_SCRIPTS_PATH environment variable, allowing easy access by the system.
  • Checks if the script is run with administrator privileges: Since the script makes modifications to the Windows registry, administrator privileges are required.
  • Adds a context menu option for .torrent files: The script adds an entry to the Windows context menu for .torrent files, named “Download with QBittorrentVPN.” This option will invoke the Invoke-DownloadTorrentFile.ps1 script and pass the selected torrent file path as an argument.


Run Install.ps1 in an elevated PowerShell window (with administrator privileges):

pwsh.exe -File "Install.ps1"

After running this script, you will be able to right-click on any .torrent file and choose “Download with QBittorrentVPN” to add it directly to the qBittorrentVPN download list.


2. Invoke-DownloadTorrentFile.ps1

The Invoke-DownloadTorrentFile.ps1 script is responsible for adding a given .torrent file to the download list of a qBittorrentVPN server.

  • Parameters:
    • -TorrentFilePath [string] (Mandatory): The full path to the torrent file to be added.
    • -ServerAddress [string] (Optional): The address of the qBittorrentVPN server. Default is
    • -ServerPort [int] (Optional): The port of the qBittorrentVPN server. Default is 8080.
  • Behavior:
    • The script sends the torrent file to the qBittorrentVPN server using the Web API.
    • On success, a message box appears indicating “Torrent added successfully!” and provides an option to open the qBittorrentVPN web interface.
    • On failure, an error message box is displayed with relevant information.


Run Invoke-DownloadTorrentFile.ps1 with PowerShell, passing the path to the torrent file as an argument:

pwsh.exe -NoProfile -NonInteractive -File "D:\Scripts\SystemScripts\Invoke-DownloadTorrentFile.ps1" -TorrentFilePath "C:\Users\guillaumep\Downloads\proxmox-ve_8.2-2.torrent"

This command will add the specified torrent to the qBittorrentVPN download list, and you will be prompted to open the qBittorrentVPN web interface upon success.


  • PowerShell Core (pwsh.exe) or Windows PowerShell.
  • Administrator Privileges to run the Install.ps1 script.
  • qBittorrentVPN must be set up with Web API access enabled, and the server should be accessible on the network.


  • Automated Torrent Addition: Automatically add torrent files to qBittorrentVPN from Windows Explorer.
  • Context Menu Integration: Easily add torrents by right-clicking .torrent files and selecting the context menu option.
  • User-Friendly Feedback: Displays success and error messages with interactive message boxes.


  1. Clone or download the repository.
  2. Open PowerShell as Administrator.
  3. Run Install.ps1 to set up the system and context menu integration:
    pwsh.exe -File "Install.ps1"

Example Workflow

  1. Right-click on a .torrent file.
  2. Select “Download with QBittorrentVPN” from the context menu.
  3. The Invoke-DownloadTorrentFile.ps1 script is executed, adding the torrent to the qBittorrentVPN server.
  4. On success, a prompt asks if you want to open the qBittorrentVPN web interface.


This project is licensed under the MIT License.


Guillaume Plante


Contributions are welcome! Please submit a pull request or open an issue to suggest improvements or report bugs.


For any questions or issues, please contact Guillaume Plante.



About Guillaume Plante
Guillaume Plante

A developper with a passion for technology, music, astronomy and art. Coding range: hardware/drivers, security, ai,. c/c++, powershell

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