How to remotely unlock a LUKS-Encrypted FileSystem using Dropbear

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Category : server   luks   decryption   dropbear   ssh   systemd   remote   grubs


In my servers, I usually encrypt all partitions and entire disk using Linux Unified Key Setup-on-disk-format (LUKS) for security and privacy reasons. When it’s a Root FileSystem, I can unlock the LUKS-protected partition by providing a passphrase at boot time. You must be in front of your computer or use a remote console to open the encrypted disk under Linux at boot time. However, if your system is not local, you won’t be able to unlock and boot your Linux box. We can use the Dropbear SSH server for LUKS-encrypted Debian, Ubuntu, or any other Linux distro via SSH to solve this problem. Let us see how to unlock LUKS using Dropbear SSH keys in Linux at boot time.

I have full-disk encryption on my server. This meant setting up LUKS. Actual setup of encryption is outside of the scope of this document. A consequence of full system encryption is that you need to type in your system passphrase each time you power on your computer.

We can use the Dropbear SSH server for LUKS-encrypted Debian, Ubuntu, or any other Linux distro via SSH to unlock an encrypted root file system

Using Dropbear, it’s possible to enter the password remotely during the boot process. The trick involves embedding a small ssh server (dropbear) in the initramfs that allows you to enter the password remotely for the root partition at boot time.

NOTE It’s important to use dropbear-initramfs, not just dropbear

First some Theory on how the unlocking works

The service that unlocks the root filesystem is generally not a traditional systemd service but part of the initramfs process. The unlocking is handled by cryptsetup and integrated into the boot process via initramfs, where it prompts for a passphrase or retrieves a key to unlock the root partition before handing control over to systemd.

The service that handles unlocking the root filesystem on Linux systems when it is encrypted (typically with LUKS) is integrated into the initramfs system. Specifically, the relevant components and processes are:

1. cryptsetup Integration in Initramfs

When the root filesystem is encrypted using LUKS, the boot process involves an early userspace environment called initramfs (initial RAM filesystem). Inside this environment, the system uses cryptsetup (or related utilities) to unlock the encrypted root partition before transitioning to the actual root filesystem.

The service or process that manages unlocking the root filesystem in this early stage is typically integrated into the initramfs and doesn’t rely on traditional systemd services at that point because systemd has not yet fully started.

2. Key Components for Unlocking Root Filesystem

  • cryptsetup: This tool is responsible for unlocking the LUKS-encrypted partition.
  • /etc/crypttab: This file defines encrypted block devices that need to be unlocked. It can specify which device to unlock and how to unlock it (e.g., using a passphrase, keyfile, or hardware security module).
  • dracut or initramfs-tools: These tools generate the initramfs image, which contains cryptsetup and other necessary utilities for unlocking the root filesystem during early boot.
  • systemd-cryptsetup: In systemd-based systems, once systemd starts during the boot process, it might manage the encrypted partitions using systemd-cryptsetup service for non-root encrypted filesystems. However, the root filesystem is generally handled within the initramfs.

3. Unlocking Process During Boot

The process typically follows these steps:

  1. Kernel Loads Initramfs: When the system boots, the Linux kernel loads the initramfs image into memory, which contains a minimal environment needed to mount the root filesystem.

  2. cryptsetup in Initramfs: Inside this environment, cryptsetup is used to prompt for a passphrase or retrieve a key to unlock the encrypted root partition.

  3. Mounting the Root Filesystem: After successfully unlocking the root partition, it is mounted, and the boot process proceeds to transition to the full root filesystem.

  4. Handing Off to systemd: Once the root filesystem is unlocked and mounted, the system hands control over to systemd, which continues booting the rest of the system.

4. Configuring the Unlocking Process

  • /etc/crypttab: This file can be used to specify the encrypted partitions that need to be unlocked during boot. For the root partition, this is typically handled by the initramfs, but for other encrypted partitions, it might look something like this:

    root_encrypted UUID=your-root-partition-uuid none luks
    • root_encrypted: The name of the mapping (used by cryptsetup).
    • UUID=your-root-partition-uuid: The UUID of the encrypted device.
    • none: Indicates that no keyfile is being used (a passphrase will be prompted for).
    • luks: Specifies that LUKS encryption is being used.
  • Initramfs Configuration: Depending on your distribution, the process of configuring initramfs to unlock the root partition is handled by tools like initramfs-tools (on Debian/Ubuntu) or dracut (on Fedora/Red Hat/CentOS). These tools ensure that cryptsetup is included in the initramfs image and can prompt for the passphrase during boot.

5. Remote Unlocking of Root Filesystem

In systems where remote unlocking of the root filesystem is needed (such as headless servers), a service like Dropbear or a similar SSH server is embedded into the initramfs. This allows you to SSH into the early boot environment and provide the LUKS passphrase remotely.

The process typically involves:

  • Embedding a minimal SSH server (like Dropbear) in the initramfs.
  • SSH-ing into the system during boot and providing the passphrase to unlock the root filesystem.

Once the root filesystem is unlocked and the system has fully booted, systemd manages other encrypted partitions using the systemd-cryptsetup@.service. This service is responsible for managing LUKS devices that are defined in /etc/crypttab.

For example, if you have additional encrypted filesystems (besides the root filesystem), systemd will manage them via this service:

systemctl status systemd-cryptsetup@<device-name>

What is the Dropbear SSH server?

Dropbear is a free and open-source SSH server created explicitly for embedded Linux and Unix systems with low resource requirements. It implements version 2 of the Secure Shell (SSH) protocol. It supports RSA and elliptic curve cryptography for key exchange. Dropbear is compatible with OpenSSH ~/.ssh/authorized_keys public key authentication. I am assuming that you already installed Debian or Ubuntu Linux with LVM and LUKS

Identity Encrypted Partitions

We can also use the cat command (or use the bat command if you want to see fancy outputs) to identity encrypted partitions:

sudo cat /etc/crypttab

Here is what I see:

dm_crypt-0 UUID=e08b5fcf-d2ce-422a-a206-554c7bfbfd87 none luks


Step 1. First: Configure GRUB

You may ignore this step, if GRUB is already configured to have network on boot. Otherwise you have to configure it to use DHCP or a static IP. IMPORTANT If you setup GRUB with DHCP, you need to have your router reserve an ipaddress for your server and always give the same IP, so it’s like you have a static IP address. Why ? Because, you want to connect to your server remotely, you need his IP address! If it changes, you are in trouble! I personally have my router setup to give the same IP address (reserved) to my server.

For Static IP, specify the IP configuration at the Kernel boot line. To do this edit the file /etc/default/grub and define the line:


If your server gets the IP address automatically (DHCP)


To configure your router to give a static IP , log in to the router interface, when you boot the server with GRUB ni DHCP, wait for it to send the DHCP request, then check the router logs and interface.

Below are 2 examples of router interfaces to configure the DHCP address reservations:




Using the format specified in the file Documentation/nfsroot.txt of the Linux kernel documentation. For example: GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX=”ip=”

Reload the grub configuration


Step 2. Install dropbear and busybox

During the installation, I get a warning about dropbear: WARNING: Invalid authorized_keys file, remote unlocking of cryptroot via SSH won’t work!, and I was not able to find the needed keys.

First make sure that initramfs-conf busybox and dropbear-initramfs are installed

sudo apt-get install initramfs-conf dropbear-initramfs busybox

Step 3. Activate BUSYBOX and DROPBEAR in initramfs

sudo nano /etc/initramfs-tools/initramfs.conf

Add these:



Also make sure this is done:

sudo mkdir /etc/initramfs-tools/root
sudo mkdir /etc/initramfs-tools/root/.ssh
sudo cp dropbear_* /etc/initramfs-tools/root/.ssh/
sudo cp id_* /etc/initramfs-tools/root/.ssh/
sudo cp authorized_keys /etc/initramfs-tools/root/.ssh/

Step 3. Generate our keys

For this, we rely on dropbear, by passing the -R argument:

sudo nano dropbear -p 2222 -R -F


Step 4. Set dropbear to start

sudo nano sudo nano /etc/default/dropbear

Change NO_START=1 to NO_START=0

Step 5 KEYS

Add your public key (most of the time ~/.ssh/ in the file /etc/dropbear-initramfs/authorized_keys.

To create a key (in dropbear format):

dropbearkey -t rsa -f /etc/initramfs-tools/root/.ssh/id_rsa.dropbear

To convert the key from dropbear format to openssh format:

/usr/lib/dropbear/dropbearconvert dropbear openssh \
    /etc/initramfs-tools/root/.ssh/id_rsa.dropbear \

To extract the public key:

dropbearkey -y -f /etc/initramfs-tools/root/.ssh/id_rsa.dropbear | \
    grep "^ssh-rsa " > /etc/initramfs-tools/root/.ssh/

To add the public key to the authorized_keys file:

cat /etc/initramfs-tools/root/.ssh/ >> /etc/initramfs-tools/root/.ssh/authorized_keys 
update-initramfs -u


Note, if you want to avoid to have clash between the keys between dropbear and openssh (they share the same ip, but use a different key), you may want to put in your client ~/.ssh/config something like that:

Host myserver_luks_unlock
     User root
     Hostname <myserver>
     # The next line is useful to avoid ssh conflict with IP
     HostKeyAlias <myserver>_luks_unlock
     Port 22
     PreferredAuthentications publickey
     IdentityFile ~/.ssh/id_rsa

To unlock from remote, you could do something like this:

ssh -o "UserKnownHostsFile=~/.ssh/known_hosts.initramfs" \
    -i "~/id_rsa.initramfs" \
    "echo -ne \"secret\" >/lib/cryptsetup/passfifo"

Here’s a Powershell Script to unlock the server from a Windows machine

function Unblock-MiniSrvRootFs { 
        [String]$ServerIp = ""   

        $IsConnected = $False
        Write-Host "Waiting for minisrv ($ServerIp) to be up..." -NoNewLine
        While($IsConnected -eq $False){
            Start-Sleep 1
            Write-Host ". " -NoNewLine
            $IsConnected = Test-Connection -TargetName "$ServerIp" -Ping -IPv4 -Count 1 -TimeoutSeconds 1 -Quiet -ErrorAction Ignore

        Write-Host "`nok!"

        $SshExe = (Get-Command 'ssh.exe').Source
        $Credz = Get-AppCredentials -Id "minisrv.initramfs"

        if($Null -eq $Credz){ throw "no credentials found!" }

        $Username = $Credz.UserName
        $Password = $Credz.GetNetworkCredential().Password
        $SshArg = '{0}@{1}' -f $Username, $ServerIp
        $Cmd = 'echo -ne "{0}" >/lib/cryptsetup/passfifo' -f $Password
        &"$SshExe" '-o' "UserKnownHostsFile=~/.ssh/known_hosts.initramfs" "$SshArg" "$Cmd"

      Write-Host "$_" -f DarkRed

Also Here’s a script that may be usefull to you.


  1. Unlocking a LUKS encrypted root partition remotely via SSH
  2. How do I get dropbear to actually work with initramfs
  3. Remote unlocking LUKS encrypted LVM using Dropbear SSH in Ubuntu Server 14.04.1
  4. SSH to decrypt encrypted LVM during headless server boot?

About Guillaume Plante
Guillaume Plante

A developper with a passion for technology, music, astronomy and art. Coding range: hardware/drivers, security, ai,. c/c++, powershell

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