SysInternal PsLoggedOn PowerShell Integration

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Category : powershell   scripts   update   sysinternals   psloggedon


You can determine who is using resources on your local computer with the “net” command (“net session”), however, there is no built-in way to determine who is using the resources of a remote computer. In addition, NT comes with no tools to see who is logged onto a computer, either locally or remotely. PsLoggedOn is an applet that displays both the locally logged on users and users logged on via resources for either the local computer, or a remote one. If you specify a user name instead of a computer, PsLoggedOn searches the computers in the network neighborhood and tells you if the user is currently logged on.

PsLoggedOn’s definition of a locally logged on user is one that has their profile loaded into the Registry, so PsLoggedOn determines who is logged on by scanning the keys under the HKEY_USERS key. For each key that has a name that is a user SID (security Identifier), PsLoggedOn looks up the corresponding user name and displays it. To determine who is logged onto a computer via resource shares, PsLoggedOn uses the NetSessionEnum API. Note that PsLoggedOn will show you as logged on via resource share to remote computers that you query because a logon is required for PsLoggedOn to access the Registry of a remote system.

PsLoggedOn is part of a growing kit of Sysinternals command-line tools that aid in the administration of local and remote systems named PsTools.


Download Get-LoggedOnUsers.ps1


Install the PsLoggedOn.exe Program

The installation is done automatically if the file is not locacted on the computer. It is very fast.

  1. Downloads the packages from sysinternals.
  2. Unpack the files to TEMP folder
  3. Copy the PsLoggedOn.exe Program to Destination folder.

  function Install-PsLoggedOn { 
              $DestinationPath = "{0}\psloggedon" -f "$PSScriptRoot"
          if(-not(Test-Path -Path "$DestinationPath" -PathType Leaf)){ 
              $Null = New-Item -Path "$DestinationPath" -ItemType Directory -Force -ErrorAction Ignore
          $Url = ""
          $TmpPath = "$ENV:Temp\{0}" -f ((Get-Date -UFormat %s) -as [string])
          Write-Verbose "Creating Temporary path `"$TmpPath`"" 
          $Null = New-Item -Path "$TmpPath" -ItemType Directory -Force -ErrorAction Ignore
          $DownloadedFilePath = "{0}\" -f $TmpPath

          Write-Verbose "Saving `"$Url`" `"$DownloadedFilePath`" ... " 
          $ppref = $ProgressPreference
          $ProgressPreference = 'SilentlyContinue'
          $Results = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $Url -OutFile $DownloadedFilePath -PassThru
          $ProgressPreference = $ppref 
          if($($Results.StatusCode) -ne 200) {  throw "Error while fetching package $Url" }

          Write-Verbose "Extracting `"$DownloadedFilePath`" ... " 
          $Files = Expand-Archive -Path $DownloadedFilePath -DestinationPath $TmpPath -Force -Passthru | Where Name -Match "PsLoggedOn"
          ForEach($f in $Files.Fullname){
              Copy-Item -Path "$f" -Destination "$DestinationPath" -Force
          $InstalledFilePath = "{0}\PsLoggedon64.exe" -f $DestinationPath
          if(-not(Test-Path -Path "$InstalledFilePath" -PathType Leaf)){ throw "install error" }
          throw $_


Search for the PsLoggedOn.exe Program on the computer

  1. Look in Path (Get-Command)
  2. Look in current script folder
  3. Look in $ENV:ProgramFiles
  4. Look in $ENV:TEMP . The latter, this is where Install-PsLoggedOn places the exe by default

  function Search-PsLoggedOnApp { 

          [string]$CurrentPath = "$PSScriptRoot"
          $SearchLocations = @("$CurrentPath", "$ENV:Temp", "$ENV:ProgramFiles")

          $PsLoggedon64Exe = ""
          $Cmd = Get-Command "PsLoggedon64.exe"
          if($Cmd -ne $Null){
              $PsLoggedon64Exe = $Cmd.Source
              Write-Verbose "Found `"$PsLoggedon64Exe`" in PATH"
              [string[]]$SearchResults = ForEach($dir in $SearchLocations){
                  Write-Verbose "Searching in `"$dir`""
                  Get-ChildItem -Path "$dir" -File -Recurse -Filter "PsLoggedon64.exe" -Depth 2 -ErrorAction Ignore | Select -ExpandProperty Fullname
              $SearchResultsCount = $SearchResults.Count
              if($SearchResultsCount -gt 0){
                  $PsLoggedon64Exe = $SearchResults[0]
                  Write-Verbose "Found $SearchResultsCount Results. Using `"$PsLoggedon64Exe`""
          throw $_


Get the list of logged on users using the PsLoggedOn.exe Program. Parse the output in PsCustomObjects

Check if PsLogged on is installed, if not install it. Get LoggedOn Users using PsLoggedOn program Parse the output in PsCustom Objects

  function Get-LoggedOnUsers { 
          [Parameter(Position = 0, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true, HelpMessage="Computer Name")]
          # was a remote computer specified ?
          $ComputerSpecified = ($False -eq ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($ComputerName)))
          Write-Verbose "ComputerSpecified `"$ComputerSpecified`""
          if($ComputerSpecified -eq $True){
              # if a remote machine was specified, try to connect to it first, if it failes, no need to go further...
              $ComputerAvailable =Test-Connection -TargetName  "$ComputerName" -Ping -Count 1 -IPv4 -Quiet
              Write-Verbose "Connecting to `"$ComputerName`" - ComputerAvailable $ComputerAvailable"
              if(-not($ComputerAvailable)){ throw "canot connect to `"$ComputerName`""}
          # Search fot PSLoggedOn program...
          [string]$PsLoggedon64Exe = Search-PsLoggedOnApp
              # Install it if no existant
              Write-Verbose "Canot find PsLoggedOn, Installing PsLoggedOn"
              $PsLoggedon64Exe = Install-PsLoggedOn
              Write-Verbose "Using `"$PsLoggedon64Exe`""
          if(-not(Test-Path -Path "$PsLoggedon64Exe" -PathType Leaf)){ 
              throw "cannot find psloggedon"
          # Execute the program and parse the output
          [System.Collections.ArrayList]$Users = [System.Collections.ArrayList]::new()
          if($ComputerSpecified -eq $True){
              [string[]]$Output = &"$PsLoggedon64Exe" "\\$ComputerName" "-nobanner"
              [string[]]$Output = &"$PsLoggedon64Exe" "-nobanner"
          [uint32]$OutputCount = $Output.Count
          if($OutputCount -le 2){ throw "invalid data" }
          ForEach($line in $Output){
              if($line -match '^(?<FourSpaces>( ){4})'){
                  $trimmed_line = $line.TrimStart()
                  [string[]]$substr = $trimmed_line.Split("`t")
                  [String]$DateStr = $substr[0].Trim()
                  Write-Verbose "DateStr `"$DateStr`""
                  [string]$UserName = $substr[$substr.Count - 1].Trim()
                  Write-Verbose "UserName `"$UserName`""
                      [PsCustomObject]$o = [PsCustomObject]@{
                          LoginTime = $DateStr
                          UserName = $UserName
          throw $_

Example Usage

Here’s a test function using the function above

  function Test-GetLoggedOnUsers { 

          Write-Hosts "Retrieving Local LoggedOn Users..."
          $local = Get-LoggedOnUsers
          $CsvData = $local | ConvertTo-Csv
          $ExportPath = "{0}\export" -f "$PSScriptRoot"
          $Null = New-Item -Path "$ExportPath" -ItemType Directory -Force -ErrorAction Ignore
          $ExportFilePath = "{0}\LocalUsers.csv" -f $ExportPath
          Write-Hosts "Exporting Local LoggedOn Users to `"$ExportFilePath`""
          Set-Content -Path "$ExportFilePath" -Value $CsvData -Force -ErrorAction Ignore

          Write-Hosts "------------------------------------------------"
          Write-Hosts "Get-LoggedOnUsers `"DESKTOP-JIRMI11`""

          Write-Hosts "Retrieving Remote LoggedOn Users..."
          $RemoteUsers = Get-LoggedOnUsers "DESKTOP-JIRMI11"
          $CsvData = $local | ConvertTo-Csv
          $ExportPath = "{0}\export" -f "$PSScriptRoot"
          $Null = New-Item -Path "$ExportPath" -ItemType Directory -Force -ErrorAction Ignore
          $ExportFilePath = "{0}\RemoteUsers.csv" -f $ExportPath
          Write-Hosts "Exporting Remote LoggedOn Users to `"$ExportFilePath`""
          Set-Content -Path "$ExportFilePath" -Value $CsvData -Force -ErrorAction Ignore
          Write-Host "Done!" -f Green
          throw $_



Installing PSLoggedOn

The installation is done automatically if the file is not locacted on the computer. It is very fast.

  1. Downloads the packages from sysinternals.
  2. Unpack the files to TEMP folder
  3. Copy the PsLoggedOn.exe Program to Destination folder.



Get the code

PowerShell.PSLoggedOn on GitHub

Important Note Do You have Issues accessing the core repository? Don’t be shy and send me an EMAIL at and I will fix access for you

About Guillaume Plante
Guillaume Plante

A developper with a passion for technology, music, astronomy and art. Coding range: hardware/drivers, security, ai,. c/c++, powershell

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