PowerShell GREP: Improving on Select-String

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Category : powershell   scripts   grep

Introduction </h3>

For any console sufers like me, having a toolbox filled with basic tools is essential. Linux provides those commands and most IT person, developer and Administrator will know them. One of the first Linux commands that many users learn is grep Grep’s provide the ability to search plain text for a RegEx pattern in a set of files. Grep can search files in a given directory or streamed input to output matches.

If you want to grep in PowerShell, you can use the provided Select-String cmdlet. Unfortunately, Select-String needs a few improvements in order to be user-friendly like Linux’s grep.

I’m not going to explain the basics of Select-String as there’s already tons of articles on it’s usage online. Let’s focus on how to make our own grep based on Select-String instead. That means you are expected to know how to use Select-String by itself.

Define the Scripts Requirements

We want to add the ability to

  • search recursively in many folders
  • only search specific file types
  • exclude some folders / files from search by name
  • handle files with no newline (like huge css.min)
  • option to get psobjects

search recursively in many folders

To search recursively in many folders for example, you need also check the current directory and the subfolders (-Recurse) or you need additional filter for files you wanna check, you can use the Get-Childitem before Select-String like this.

	Get-ChildItem C:\temp -Filter *.log -Recurse | Select-String "FooBar"

only search specific file types

Lets use Get-ChidItems and add a file filter argument, so that we can filter only certain file types:

    # List all files but not those with those words in the name: Foo,Bar,Please,Not,This
    $Filter = '*.log'
    Get-ChildItem "c:\Logs" -File -Filter $Filter | Select-String -pattern $Pattern

exclude some folders / files from search by name

To exclude some folders / files from search by name, we can use the Get-ChildItems and add a Where clause with -notmatch. See when you want to add multiple -notmatch condition to a function call, you can just separate the different words by a pipe (|) character like this:

	# List all files but not those with those words in the name: Foo,Bar,Please,Not,This
	Get-ChildItem "c:\Logs" -File  -Filter $Filter | where FullName -notmatch "Foo|Bar|Please|Not|This" 

So we will have somethis like this:

    $Exclude = @('words','to','remove')
    [string]$exclude_string = ''
    ForEach($toexclude in $Exclude){
        $exclude_string += "$toexclude|"
    $exclude_string = $exclude_string.Trim('|')
    Write-Verbose "  Excluding this string in names: $exclude_string"
    $SearchList = Get-ChildItem -Path $Path -File -Filter $Filter | where FullName -notmatch "$exclude_string" | Select-String -pattern $Pattern

Final function

After we get the Select-String results and process them so that we don’t have screen overflow with huge onle line files, and after we create the option to output a list of psobjects, we get this:

function Search-Pattern
            Cmdlet to find in files (grep)
            Cmdlet to find in files (grep)
    .PARAMETER Pattern
            What to look for in the files
    .PARAMETER Extension
            File Extension, just the Extension, no *
            Path for search
    .PARAMETER Exclude
            Exclude string array
    .PARAMETER Short
            Output short file names
            Output as list of psobjects
    .PARAMETER Recurse
            Recurse in subdirectories
        Search-Pattern -Pattern 'g.png' -Extension "txt"
        Search-Pattern -Pattern 'g.png' -Exclude @("_site","jekyll-metadata","bower_components","jekyll-cache")

        [Parameter(Position = 0,Mandatory=$true, HelpMessage="Pattern to search for")]

        [Parameter(Mandatory=$false, HelpMessage="File filter")]
        [string]$Filter = '*.*',

        [Parameter(Mandatory=$false, HelpMessage="Path for search")]

        [Parameter(Mandatory=$false, HelpMessage="Exclude string array")]

        [Parameter(Mandatory=$false, HelpMessage="Output short file names")]

        [Parameter(Mandatory=$false, HelpMessage="Output as list of psobjects")]

        [Parameter(Mandatory=$false, HelpMessage="Recurse in subdirectories")]


    [system.collections.arraylist]$Results      = [system.collections.arraylist]::new()
    [string]$CurrentPath = (Get-Location).Path 
        $Path = $CurrentPath
    Write-Verbose "Search-Pattern (my grep): looking for a string in files. Path: $Path"
    Write-Verbose "  Pattern: $Pattern"
    Write-Verbose "  Short: $Short" 
    Write-Verbose "  Recurse: $Recurse" 
    Write-Verbose "  Using Extension filter: $Filter"

    if($Exclude.Count -gt 0){
        [string]$exclude_string = ''
        ForEach($toexclude in $Exclude){
            $exclude_string += "$toexclude|"
        $exclude_string = $exclude_string.Trim('|')
        Write-Verbose "  Excluding this string in names: $exclude_string"
        $SearchList = Get-ChildItem -Path $Path -File -Filter $Filter -Recurse:$Recurse | where FullName -notmatch "$exclude_string" | Select-String -pattern $Pattern
        $SearchList = Get-ChildItem -Path $Path -File -Filter $Filter -Recurse:$Recurse | Select-String -pattern $Pattern 

    ForEach($match in $SearchList){
        $Path = $match.Path
        $Path = $Path.Replace($CurrentPath,'.')
            $Path = $match.FileName
        $SearchPattern = $Pattern.Replace('\','')
        $Line = $match.Line.Trim()
        $Index = $Line.IndexOf($SearchPattern)
        if($Index -eq -1){$Index = 0}
        $LineNumber = $match.LineNumber
        $Length = $Line.Length
        if($Length -gt 80){
            if($Index -gt 80){
                $Line = $Line.SubString($Index -2,$SearchPattern.Length + 15)
                $Line = $Line.SubString(0,80)
        $o = [pscustomobject]@{
            Path = $Path
            LineNumber = $LineNumber
            Index = $Index
            Line = $Line
            Write-Output "$Path`:$LineNumber,$Index`t$Line"

New-Alias -Name 'grep' -Value -Search-Pattern -Force

About Guillaume Plante
Guillaume Plante

A developper with a passion for technology, music, astronomy and art. Coding range: hardware/drivers, security, ai,. c/c++, powershell

Email : guillaumeplante.qc@gmail.com

Website : https://arsscriptum.ddns.net

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