Get the PowerShell Module Paths

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Category : powershell   scripts   update   modules   psmodulepath


List the PowerShell Module Paths, if they are writeable and the number of modules they contain.


See this blog post regarding whereobject filters

This function does this:

  1. The user specifies the permissions to have on the directories listed, example @('Modify','FullControl','Write')
  2. We need to get the current user group appartenance.
  3. For each paths, we get the FileSystemRights and IdentityReference
  4. We check if the FileSystemRights match the user-specified permissions
  5. We check if the IdentityReference is included in our current user group list

  function Get-WritableModulePath{
          [Parameter(Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true, HelpMessage="Permissions")]

      Write-Verbose "Get-WriteableFolder from $Path and $PathsCount childs"
      # 1 -> Retrieve my appartenance (My Groups)
      $id = [Security.Principal.WindowsIdentity]::GetCurrent()
      $groups = $id.Groups | foreach-object {$_.Translate([Security.Principal.NTAccount])}
      $GroupList = @() ; ForEach( $g in $groups){  $GroupList += $g ; }
      Sleep -Milliseconds 500
      $PathPermissions =  [System.Collections.ArrayList]::new()   

      $aclfilter_perm = {
          ForEach($pxs in $Permissions){ if($fsr -match $pxs){$hasright=$True;}};
          $GroupList.Contains($ir) -and $hasright
      ForEach($p in $Paths){
          if(-not(Test-Path -Path $p -PathType Container)) { continue; }
          $perm = (Get-Acl $p).Access | Where $aclfilter_perm | Select `
          if( $perm -ne $Null ){
              $null = $PathPermissions.Add($perm)

      return $PathPermissions


Get All Modules Paths and Writeable status

  function Get-AllModulePaths{
      $Modules = [System.Collections.ArrayList]::new()
      ForEach($dir in $Paths){
          if(-not(Test-Path $dir)){ continue;}
          $Childrens = (gci $dir -Directory)
          $Mod = [PSCustomObject]@{
                  Path            = $dir
                  Writeable        = $WritablePaths.Contains($dir)
                  Modules         = $Childrens.Count
          $Null = $Modules.Add($Mod)
      return $Modules


Get All Modules Paths and Writeable status


About Guillaume Plante
Guillaume Plante

A developper with a passion for technology, music, astronomy and art. Coding range: hardware/drivers, security, ai,. c/c++, powershell

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