PowerShell - Where-Object Complex Filters

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Category : powershell   scripts   regex   filters   where

Overview - Where-Object - Complex Filters using ScriptBlocks

People are often not aware of the extensibility of the Where-Object cmdlet and how you can leverage it’s power to create complex filters.

I’m talking about creating a scriptblock containing the filtering logic and using it in your command

For Example: here, let’s create a scriptblock named $custom_gcifilter;

  1. In it, I declare an array of pre-defined strings
  2. I have a boolean variable named $valid that will be returned by the scriptblock: $False and the value is filtered out from the Where clause, $True it is included
  3. I declare a variable name ( $name=$_.Name ) . Note the $_ . This represent the current instance in the pipeline.

This line checks if the current instance has a name included in the $a array and if the instance was created more than 10 minutes ago. if so, it sets the $valid to $True

  if(($($ts.Minutes) -gt 10) -and ($a.Contains($name))) { $valid=$True }

Complete filer script block

  $custom_gcifilter = {
	$a = @('microsoft.com','google.com','videotron.com','bell.ca','military.com','panasonic.com')
    $valid=$False;$name=$_.Name;[DateTime]$dt=$_.CreationTime;[timespan]$ts = [datetime]::now - $dt;
	if(($($ts.Minutes) -gt 10) -and ($a.Contains($name))) { $valid=$True }

Now, we use it like so:

  Get-ChildItem -Path "." -Recurse | Where $custom_gcifilter

Advanced Example: Filter Directories based on Permissions

Let’s crank the level a bit. We need to filter directories based on the permissions we have on them. This is a bit trickier because there is multiple data sets to cross check.

  1. The user specifies the permissions to have on the directories listed, example @('Modify','FullControl','Write')
  2. We need to get the current user group appartenance.
  3. For each paths, we get the FileSystemRights and IdentityReference
  4. We check if the FileSystemRights match the user-specified permissions
  5. We check if the IdentityReference is included in our current user group list

Here’s the code:


  $aclfilter_perm = {
    ForEach($pxs in $Permissions){ if($fsr -match $pxs){$hasright=$True;}};
    $GroupList.Contains($ir) -and $hasright

  # Get a dir to check
  $CurrentPath = (Get-Location).Path
  (Get-Acl $CurrentPath).Access | Where $aclfilter_perm

Wrapping things up: check directory permissions

Here’s a pratical example: listing the PSModule folders and checking the ones we have access to:

  function Get-WritableModulePath{
        [Parameter(Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true, HelpMessage="Permissions")]

    Write-Verbose "Get-WriteableFolder from $Path and $PathsCount childs"
    # 1 -> Retrieve my appartenance (My Groups)
    $id = [Security.Principal.WindowsIdentity]::GetCurrent()
    $groups = $id.Groups | foreach-object {$_.Translate([Security.Principal.NTAccount])}
    $GroupList = @() ; ForEach( $g in $groups){  $GroupList += $g ; }
    Sleep -Milliseconds 500
    $PathPermissions =  [System.Collections.ArrayList]::new()   

    $aclfilter_perm = {
        ForEach($pxs in $Permissions){ if($fsr -match $pxs){$hasright=$True;}};
        $GroupList.Contains($ir) -and $hasright
    ForEach($p in $Paths){
        if(-not(Test-Path -Path $p -PathType Container)) { continue; }
        $perm = (Get-Acl $p).Access | Where $aclfilter_perm | Select `
        if( $perm -ne $Null ){
            $null = $PathPermissions.Add($perm)

    return $PathPermissions


In the command below

   $perm = (Get-Acl $p).Access | Where $aclfilter_perm | Select `

Note that the Select statement is using variables declared in the scriptblock used in the Where-Object clause. When you declare a variable in the pipeline, it can be used later on, in other clauses in the pipeline.

Get the code

ComplexFilters on GitHub

Important Note Do You have Issues accessing the core repository? Don’t be shy and send me an EMAIL to guillaumeplante.qc@gmail.com and I will fix access for you

About Guillaume Plante
Guillaume Plante

A developper with a passion for technology, music, astronomy and art. Coding range: hardware/drivers, security, ai,. c/c++, powershell

Email : guillaumeplante.qc@gmail.com

Website : https://arsscriptum.ddns.net

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